Selasa, 20 September 2011

Free Sex

Free sex, has become 'normal' among the students especially the students. Whether for love or economic motives. Of this, on several occasions I often chat with friends or the people especially those close to this phenomenon, particularly more common among students (high school students and setingkatnya).

According to some friends, there are some students who in the DO (drop out) or expelled from school for being pregnant outside of marriage or some are even proven to prostituting herself to the om-om or man masher (to the area ... wow was unusually high rates loh ..)

Let's straighten the first moment, in an outpouring of writing this Editorial Corner I will not discuss about rates and how sexual behavior among adolescents or students. However, here I personally want to criticize little about the fate of their (the students) who were known.

Yes, on average, when students found out whether it is proven to do immoral pregnant out of wedlock, is proved to have sex outside of marriage through a photo or video amateur, or even some are trapped by their own teachers to recognize his actions-(the teacher pretended to be customers ) etc.. Thus, the act of 'public' has been done especially by the school is to punish the student or students concerned with removing it or download it from the school dropout. Violating school rules and sully the good name of the school, something like that reason.

The question that then I ask is: "How ya fate of the students were expelled from school after? Is the issue the students it is a solution for the future in question? "

In the eyes of the interests of the school, maybe it was a solution. At least by removing the relevant students, the school is considered firm and does not tolerate students who do so and is run private does not directly serve as a warning to other students. However, what if the education and instruction to wear glasses? What is the future of relevant students will be better post removed?

Some results of my discussions with friends on the field precisely the opposite view. Post expelled from school or excluded from educational environments, coupled with a penalty which must come also from his family, concerned tend to be more wild. Generally, this is where the 'opportunity' him for more is not controlled and it is possible to be a 'slut' and the like.

Language merekanya: "Yes, schools do not receive again, dikeluarga been considered trash .. doing more, other than I finally nyari money aja .. tanggunglah ... "the defense was approx.

At the point of 'responsibility' that is supposed to be a consideration, study and discussion that must be addressed further, especially for educational institutions called schools.Whereas, removing students from school in cases like the above is not an appropriate solution, but only the attitude which was considered reactionary and one-sided.Supposedly, both the school and family community also look far ahead will be long-term effect especially for the student's requirements.

Put simply, in my opinion they are proven or caught doing sex deviations must remain acceptable at school or college, be treated like other students, which differ specifically concerned over getting coaching in specific areas, such as religious or moral subjects.Also, in general this problem is supposed to be a joint evaluation between school and family student / a in question: is there a system, mechanism or any communication during this and so forth.

That is, from here we understand if the school is not the workplace, where rules as rigid and tend to contract unilaterally, but the school was the site of the education and teaching of course also with long-term projections, not just about numbers (the value of report cards) but also the moral course. It is the moral responsibility of the school also to save the future of its students who behave (sex) deviate.

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